Save your Parking lot.

Crack seal Process

It is important to the longevity of your asphalt surfaces to maintain and repair asphalt cracking before it becomes a major issue. Cracks are a natural occurrence to asphalt and is caused by the climate and the aging process of asphalt. The cracks become an open door to water invasion to the base and sub-base level of your parking lot and can contribute to rapid failure.

Asphalt Cracking Causes

  • UV Rays — The sun plays a big role in asphalt cracking and deterioration. An asphalt surface will bake in the sun and a process called oxidation occurs removing oils from the wear surface. This causes asphalt to become dry and brittle and less flexible to withstand the traffic flow and freeze thaw cycles. As a result cracks begin to form and if unmaintained they can quickly cause failure.

  • Traffic Flow — Asphalt is designed to be flexible and allows for some give for constant traffic flow. The weight of the vehicles and traffic flow patterns can contribute to asphalt cracking. It is imperative to maintain structure strength of the sub-base soil supporting the asphalt surfaces. If asphalt cracks are not addressed immediately, water can infiltrate the supporting sub-soils causing damage and in turn creating more cracking and asphalt deterioration.

  • Freeze Thaw Cycles —The freeze thaw cycles play a major roll in the deterioration occurrence in asphalt surfaces. When temperature cycles fluctuate rapidly it causes the asphalt to expand and contract too quickly resulting is smaller hairline cracks or thermal cracking. Another reaction to these cycles is in spring time when the surface temps warm up and melts the snow and ice, unmaintained cracks allow this moisture to invade the base and sub-base soils. This moisture becomes trapped between the asphalt course above and the still frozen sub-soils below. When constant traffic flow is occurring weakens the sub-soils and thus creates aggressive asphalt cracking.



The biggest factor in applying crack seal is making sure the crack is clean of all debris and moisture. Our Duramax professionals utilize a few methods of cleaning depending on the conditions. If vegetation is growing in the cracks we use a wire wheel abrader for removal. To ensure all smaller debris and moisture is removed we operate a heat lance that applies a large amount of air combined with heat to clean and prep the crack for product. For specific jobs we will route the cracks for applying product.

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Our Product

Applying good quality product can be the difference in providing a long term solution or premature failure. We apply a couple different types of crack sealant depending on the type of surfaces we are working on. All our products are DOT grade and provide the greatest laxity and strength.



The steps our professionals take from start to finish shows in the quality of the final product and provides long-term value to your asphalt surfaces. We understand the stress of a deteriorating, unprotected parking lot season after season. At Duramax we want to remove that stress and give you peace of mind by providing an accurate assessment and the right solution for your asphalt surfaces.